Friday, December 30, 2011





Biscuit Marie            100g
Butter                        112g
Rolled Oat                   50g


Cream Cheese            2 pks
Brown Sugar              50g
Whole Eggs                3
White Chocolate        180g
Anchor Cream           187g

1) Beat cream cheese and brown sugar.
2) Put in the eggs - one by one.
3) Heat anchor cream - be careful not to bring it to boil. Off the stove and put in the white chocolate. Then pour the mixture into the cream cheese. Mix well.
4) Pour the mixture into the base and bake.



Sunday, December 18, 2011



Durian Cheese Cake Recipe

Digestive biscuits

Crushed the biscuits, add butter and mix well. Layered the mixture in a tray. Put inside the fridge.

2 pks Cream Cheese
500ml cream
200g sugar
500g durian
3 tsp gelatine (put in water)

Beat cream cheese and sugar. Add in durian and then put in the gelatine. Mix well and put aside.

Beat cream until rise. Then mix into the mixture made before. Mix them well and pour into the tray.


My cinnamon rolls.....おいしかった!

Friday, December 16, 2011


Yup, let's make パン!Next recipe is......


2 tsp active dried yeast
11/4 cups warm water
2 tsp sugar
11/2 tsp salt
3 cups high-grade flour

Put all the ingredients in the breadmaker and set dough on the menu. To shape it, turn the dough in 2-3 teaspoons of oil in a clean bowl. Cover with cling film for 2 hours or preferably overnight at room temperature. During this time, it maybe necessary to punch or press the dough several times.

Then, lightly knead the dough for a few second and, roll and shape the dough just like a french loaf seen at supermarket.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Downloaded a very old favourite anime of all time. I've watch it when I was young and now after so many years I'm watching it again.

I love Rick Hunter or his Japanese name Ichijo Hikaru and Lisa or Hayase Misa her Japanese name. Still remember the first time I watch this....fell in love with these two characters. I don't really like lyn Min Mei in the series....annoying! (haha). Besides the anime series, there were also Robotech movies and one of them is 愛を覚えていますか(Do you remember love). This movie sums up the whole series very nicely and I love it!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011



Here are some of them......


It's been a while since I last wrote.


I've got the recipies from a friend. These recipies are from Simon & Alison Holst's book - The New Zealand Bread Book. It's very easy....just put in all the ingredients in the breadmaker and let it do the job for you!


3 tsp surebake yeast
11/4 cups plus 2 tbsp warm water
2 tbsp lecithin granules or oil
2 tsp sugar
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 tbsp non-fat milk powder
3 cups high-grade flour

Measure all the ingredients and put them in the breadmaker and set the normal/white bread cycle. Easy!


3 tsp surebake yeast
3/4 cup warm water
2 large eggs
2 tbsp lecithin granules or butter
2 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp non-fat milk
3 cups high-grade flour
3/4 cup grated cheese
melted butter
grated parmesan or tasty cheese

Measure the first eight ingredients and pour them into the breadmaker. Set to dough cycle. When ready, take out and add grated cheese.
To make muffin buns: divide the dough into small balls. Put into sprayed muffin pan and leave it to rise for one hour or until doubled in volume. Dampen tops of bun with milk and sprinkle cheese on top and the, bake for 10 - 12 min at 220C.


2 tsp surebake yeast
1/2 cup milk
2 tbsp warm water
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
25g butter - melted
2 cups high-grade flour

Filling and topping:

2 tbsp butter - softened
2 tbsp brown sugar
2 tbsp chopped walnut (*optional)

Measure the ingredients and pour into breadmaker. Set for dough cycle. Once ready, take the dough out and roll into square shape. Spread the butter and put in the filling. Roll to form cylinder and cut in slices. Arrange them in the pan and let it rest for one hour or until it rises. Bake for 20 min at 180C.

I've tried them and they were all time I'm going to bake French Bread.